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朱珠:當荷爾蒙減少時,藝術讓我感覺我在活著 Zhu Zhu: When Hormones Decrease, Art Makes Me Feel Alive
In the currently popular TV series "The Tale of Roses," Zhu Zhu plays the role of a boss at an art exhibition company. In the show, Tina plans Chinese-French collaborative exhibitions, borrows artworks from major international collectors, and organizes charity art exhibitions. This character's passion for art closely mirrors Zhu Zhu's real-life interests. Zhu Zhu has been interested in and collecting art for over a decade. In May, we met Zhu Zhu in Beijing and talked to her about her collections and life.
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🎥本月精彩推薦 Best of this month:
▸【TOP1】他是中國最後的貴族:87歲,每天通宵工作 He is the Last Nobleman of China: 87 Years Old, Working All Night Every Day
▸【TOP2】90後女孩不上班,為二手舊物豪擲千金 Post-90s Chinese Woman Doesn't Go To Office, Spending Big Money on Antiques
▸【TOP3】她演了大半輩子壞女人,如今53歲強勢翻紅 She Defines the Bad Woman Roles in Chinese TV Dramas
▸【TOP4】78歲爺爺造童話小屋:整座山都是花園 78-year-old Man Builds a Fairy-tale House with a Dream-like Garden
▸【TOP5】中國內地第一個苔蘚園林,幽深、絕美!The First Moss Garden in Chinese Mainland, Serene and Beautiful
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90後農民工意外走紅:「他是中國的一個奇跡」Post-90s Migrant Worker Becomes Popular, Praised as "a Miracle in China"
Переглядів 4,5 тис.9 годин тому
90後陳直,曾是一名流水線上的農民工,2021年,因為閱讀和翻譯哲學著作在網上「走紅」,被稱為「工廠裏的海德格爾」。今年5月,他翻譯的《海德格爾導論》出版,一條在石家莊拜訪了他,聊了聊離開工廠的三年後,他在生活和思想上的變化。 Chen Zhi, a post-90s man, used to be a migrant worker in a factory. In 2021, he received much attention online because of reading and translating philosophical works, and was praised as "Heidegger in factory". This May, Heidegger: an introduction, translated by him, was published. Y...
溫州夫妻改造200m²老宅:減少工作與社交,鬆弛地愛自己 Wenzhou couple renovates 200m² old houseRelax and love themselves
Переглядів 16 тис.12 годин тому
3年前,70後設計師吳極中和家人搬進溫州市中心的舊社區。他將原本採光差、結構普通的200㎡房子,變成​​靜謐的大地色洞穴,30㎡的院子像小小的山林。上大學的兒子總趁著假日往回跑,很戀家。 Three years ago, Wu Jizhong, a designer born in the 1970s, moved with his family into an old residential area in downtown Wenzhou. He transformed a poorly lit, structurally ordinary 200m² house into a serene earth-toned cave, with a 30m² courtyard resembling a small forest. Their son, currently in univ...
上海跨國夫妻親手改造230m²的家,進門就解壓 Transnational Couple in Shanghai Renovate Their 230-m2 Home
Переглядів 9 тис.16 годин тому
85後設計師孫凱倫和先生、藝術家RJ婚後一直租住在市區的小房子裡。直到3年前,孫凱倫決定辭職自己創業、生孩子,同時為家人打造「第一個家」。她爆改了一間20世紀末的230m²頂層複式,選用黃、紅、橘等大膽鮮豔的色彩。 5月末,一條拜訪了孫凱倫和RJ的家。 Sun Kailun, a post-85s designer, and her husband RJ, an artist, lived in an small apartment in the downtown of Shanghai after married. 3 years ago, Sun decided to resign and started her own business. Then she had her daughter and also designed the first home for her fam...
當了10年全職媽媽,她46歲翻紅:狀態超頂 After 10 years as a full-time mom, she rose to fame at 46: In peak condition
Переглядів 12 тис.19 годин тому
2022年,「劉畊宏女孩」爆火網絡,400多萬人同時在線學跳操,掀起了全民健身的熱潮,直播間裡,作為陪練的太太王婉霏ViVi,時不時的偷懶和「划水」讓網友大呼看到了自己。最近,她被網友質疑“跳了兩年一點沒瘦”,她回應道:“我對自己的樣子很滿意,很自信。” In 2022, "Liu Genghong Girl" went viral online, with over 4 million people simultaneously learning aerobics online, sparking a nationwide fitness craze. In the live broadcast, Wang Wanfei ViVi, who serves as a workout companion, occasionally slacks off, prompting netiz...
兩位資深藏家成茶友:人到40,會愛上老茶 Two Senior Collectors and Fans of Mature Tea
Переглядів 8 тис.21 годину тому
【中英文简介】 *打開CC字幕,觀看體驗更佳哦! *Don‘t forget to turn on CC/Subtitles! 喜歡這則影片,就點個讚👍吧!不要忘記留言告訴我們! If you like this video, please click on 👍 and don't forget to leave your comment! 【一条Yit】影片,每日更新! Daily original short videos,That tell touching stories. 喜歡這則影片,一定要訂閱我的頻道哦! Subscribe to our UA-cam channel here👇! 一条Yit | ua-cam.com/users/一条Yit 請記得開啟UA-cam🔔通知! Turn on the little bell🔔 for notification and be...
劉嘉玲找她做衣,梁家輝爲她走秀,這個上海設計師超酷 Carina Lau and Tony Leung both wear designs by this Shanghai designer
Переглядів 28 тис.День тому
今年三月底,演員王琳的走秀火出了圈,而她走的秀場,是服裝設計師華娟做了15年的品牌JUDYHUA。五月,壹條拜訪了華娟位于上海蘇州河畔的工作室,她說,時尚行業,美麗背後的代價是階段性體力透支,但她依然從這份工作中獲得價值感和快樂,她期待工作到80歲。 At the end of March this year, actress Wang Lin caused a sensation with her runway appearances. She walked for fashion designer Hua Juan's brand JUDYHUA, which has been in existence for 15 years. In May, Yitiao visited Hua Juan at her studio located along the Suzhou Rive...
北大教授24小時照顧失能母親 Peking University Professor Takes Care of His Dependent Mother 24/7
Переглядів 9 тис.День тому
胡泳今年50多歲,是北京大學新聞傳播學院的教授,他的母親今年85歲,患有阿茲海默症3年。胡泳不得不削減在科研、學術上的時間,每天六點半起床,陪母親吃飯,洗漱,曬太陽,除了工作,大部分時候都在家裡。從學者到照顧者,他如何看待照顧與養老問題?今年5月,我們在北京拜訪了他的家。 Hu Yong, 50 years old, is a professor in the School of Journalism and Communication, Peking University. His 85-year-old mother has been suffering from Alzheimer's Disease for 3 years. So he has to reduce the time spent on research and academic work to stay mor...
他拍下中國2800多個縣城裏的“神人” He Takes Pictures of Folks from over 2,800 Chinese Counties
Переглядів 5 тис.День тому
今年3月,紀實攝影師蔡山海,在旅途中偶然見到逝者福青爺爺的“滿牆心事”,在網絡上得到了數十萬點贊。2019年,蔡山海開始了“平推”中國的攝影計劃:壹個縣壹個縣地走,環遊中國拍攝。我們和蔡山海共同走了壹段“平推”之路,和他壹起在山西逛廟會、去道觀、找破廟,聽他講遇見那些鮮活的“走地仙”們的故事。 This March, Cai Shanhai, a documentary photographer, accidentally saw the handwriting of a deseased old man Fuqing on the walls of his home and posted pictures of it online, drawing much attention from the public. Cai's photography project of visiti...
這個與每個人性命攸關的職業,現在極度缺人The profession, on which everyone's life depends, is desperately short of people
Переглядів 5 тис.14 днів тому
2024年1月,年僅46歲的麻醉醫生朱翔突然離世,引起嘩然。近年來,麻醉醫生猝死事件頻發,讓大眾關註到麻醉醫生這個行業。官方統計中國現有麻醉醫生10萬人,實際需求可能達到30萬人,整個行業面臨人手極度短缺,而一名麻醉醫生的培養至少需要10年。 In Jan, 2024, Zhu Xiang, an anesthesiologist aged only 46, suddenly passed away, raising much concern. Over recent years, sudden deaths of anesthesiologists are commonly seen, drawing public attention to the profession. According to official statistics, there are 100 thousan...
他們在天津市中心開闢700㎡,一起插秧、種地 They Create a 700-m2 Food Forest in Downtown Tianjin and Grow Food Together
Переглядів 4,2 тис.21 день тому
退休後,52歲的李娟帶著一群城裡居民開闢了天津市第一塊食物森林,近700㎡,親手挖建出城市裡的稻田、水塘和菜地。雙新食物森林位於天津津南區體育公園裡,參與的志願者,以附近的退休老人為主。 Li Juan, 52 years old, created the first food forest in Tianjin together with a group of urban citizens after retirement. Located in the Sports Garden of Jinnan area, Tianjin, it covers an area of nearly 700 m2. Retirees living nearby work as volunteers there and build paddy fields, water ponds and veg...
95後杭州獨生女,把市中心200㎡改成丁克樂園 Post-95s Hangzhou Girl Renovates a 200-m2 Apartment into a DINK Heaven
Переглядів 6 тис.21 день тому
作為一名「江浙滬獨生女」,95年的月月幸運地有一套杭州市中心的房子。在海外留學生活十年後,她回到杭州定居,決定把房子拆成毛坯,重新設計。改造全程由她一個人主導,父母不幹涉。月月和先生在一起之前就決定丁克,「寵物就是我的孩子」。改造後,家裏的主臥就是寵物房,日常開支70%的費用都花在寵物上。 As the only child of her parents, Yueyue, born in 1995, luckily has an apartment in downtown Hangzhou. After studying abroad for 10 years, she went back and settled down in Hangzhou. She decided to renovate the apartment with new design. And her paren...
中國第壹批孤獨症輔助犬 The first batch of autism assistance dogs in China graduated
Переглядів 3 тис.28 днів тому
去年底,中國第壹批孤獨症輔助犬畢業。200多家犬舍裏,只有3只狗狗成功入選。在接受長達兩年的培訓以後,它們目前全部進入家庭服役,陪伴小朋友成長直到它們退休。相比同爲工作犬的導盲犬、搜救犬,輔助犬的大衆認知度幾乎爲0。以下是項目發起者,阿派小動物保護機構的負責人陳牆的講述。 In the end of 2023, the first batch of autism assistance dogs in China graduated. These 3 dogs were selected from nearly 200 kennels and trained for 2 years before they entered families to company children with autism. Compared with guide dogs for the blind an...
一群85後,掀起深圳幼兒園改建潮:未來可變成安養院 A Group of Post-85s Spark a Wave of Kindergarten Renovations in Shenzhen
Переглядів 4,5 тис.Місяць тому
幸福的童年是什麼樣的? 在深圳南山區,一群改建後的幼兒園給了這樣的答案:一座可以「上房揭瓦」的幼兒園,孩子們可以在露台上盡情地攀爬、運動;一座「打通隔間牆」的幼兒園 ,孩子們可以「串班」嬉鬧;一座「擁抱大自然」的幼兒園,起伏的遊廊如同堆疊的白雲,奔跑其中,自然也觸手可及… What does a happy childhood look like? In the Nanshan District of Shenzhen, a batch of renovated kindergartens provides an answer: a kindergarten where children can "take off the roof," allowing them to climb and play freely on the terrace; a kindergarten wher...
近2000名中國寒門學霸的自白 Confessions of Nearly 2000 Chinese Poor Students Who Excelled in Academics
Переглядів 9 тис.Місяць тому
近2000名中國寒門學霸的自白 Confessions of Nearly 2000 Chinese Poor Students Who Excelled in Academics
78歲爺爺造童話小屋:整座山都是花園 78-year-old Man Builds a Fairy-tale House with a Dream-like Garden
Переглядів 15 тис.Місяць тому
78歲爺爺造童話小屋:整座山都是花園 78-year-old Man Builds a Fairy-tale House with a Dream-like Garden
他是中國最後的貴族:87歲,每天通宵工作 He is the Last Nobleman of China: 87 Years Old, Working All Night Every Day
Переглядів 58 тис.Місяць тому
他是中國最後的貴族:87歲,每天通宵工作 He is the Last Nobleman of China: 87 Years Old, Working All Night Every Day
Переглядів 6 тис.Місяць тому
她演了大半輩子壞女人,如今53歲強勢翻紅 She Defines the Bad Woman Roles in Chinese TV Dramas
Переглядів 14 тис.Місяць тому
她演了大半輩子壞女人,如今53歲強勢翻紅 She Defines the Bad Woman Roles in Chinese TV Dramas
南京人的互助養老:陪診、買藥、陪聊,不花一分錢 A Mutual Retirement Life Support Model In Nanjing
Переглядів 9 тис.Місяць тому
南京人的互助養老:陪診、買藥、陪聊,不花一分錢 A Mutual Retirement Life Support Model In Nanjing
月租350,不同職業的四人聚在城中村寫詩十年了 Four People Gathered in the Urban Village and Wrote Poetry for Ten Years
Переглядів 3,7 тис.Місяць тому
月租350,不同職業的四人聚在城中村寫詩十年了 Four People Gathered in the Urban Village and Wrote Poetry for Ten Years
上海又一個大事件,《蒙娜麗莎》來了!Another Major Event in Shanghai: "Mona Lisa" Arrives!
Переглядів 6 тис.Місяць тому
上海又一個大事件,《蒙娜麗莎》來了!Another Major Event in Shanghai: "Mona Lisa" Arrives!
中國內地第一個苔蘚園林,幽深、絕美!The First Moss Garden in Chinese Mainland, Serene and Beautiful
Переглядів 11 тис.Місяць тому
中國內地第一個苔蘚園林,幽深、絕美!The First Moss Garden in Chinese Mainland, Serene and Beautiful
他租30000㎡地,把山海經神獸搬入現實 He Turns Mythical Creatures from Shan Hai Jing into Reality
Переглядів 8 тис.Місяць тому
他租30000㎡地,把山海經神獸搬入現實 He Turns Mythical Creatures from Shan Hai Jing into Reality
法國前總理之子:我和中國有很強的聯結 Son of former French Prime Minister: I have a strong connection with China
Переглядів 15 тис.Місяць тому
法國前總理之子:我和中國有很強的聯結 Son of former French Prime Minister: I have a strong connection with China
36歲,我單身凍卵被拒絕第5年 At 36, I was rejected for egg freezing as a single woman for the fifth year.
Переглядів 5 тис.Місяць тому
36歲,我單身凍卵被拒絕第5年 At 36, I was rejected for egg freezing as a single woman for the fifth year.
曾與鄧麗君齊名,她把三個兒子送進史丹佛!Legendary Singer and Mother, Agnes Chan
Переглядів 8 тис.Місяць тому
曾與鄧麗君齊名,她把三個兒子送進史丹佛!Legendary Singer and Mother, Agnes Chan
90後女孩不上班,為二手舊物豪擲千金 Post-90s Chinese Woman Doesn't Go To Office, Spending Big Money on Antiques
Переглядів 16 тис.Місяць тому
90後女孩不上班,為二手舊物豪擲千金 Post-90s Chinese Woman Doesn't Go To Office, Spending Big Money on Antiques
一代大師,捐出100多件國寶級藏品,上海給他蓋了座美術館 Chinese Art Master Donates Over 100 Pieces of National Treasure
Переглядів 7 тис.Місяць тому
一代大師,捐出100多件國寶級藏品,上海給他蓋了座美術館 Chinese Art Master Donates Over 100 Pieces of National Treasure


  • @Lun-shao
    @Lun-shao 3 години тому


  • @HP-ii7lc
    @HP-ii7lc 3 години тому


  • @HP-ii7lc
    @HP-ii7lc 3 години тому


  • @HP-ii7lc
    @HP-ii7lc 4 години тому


  • @annawong3842
    @annawong3842 4 години тому


  • @nedsantos1415
    @nedsantos1415 5 годин тому


    • @nedsantos1415
      @nedsantos1415 5 годин тому


  • @user_ca_mist
    @user_ca_mist 6 годин тому


  • @etsui9899
    @etsui9899 9 годин тому


  • @ceciliangwhng1915
    @ceciliangwhng1915 9 годин тому

    善始善终、因为是妈妈、因为是爸爸 ❤……老师、子女的典范 - 谢谢🙏

  • @user-ch9yu8vm2z
    @user-ch9yu8vm2z 12 годин тому


  • @rosepeony5119
    @rosepeony5119 13 годин тому


  • @rosepeony5119
    @rosepeony5119 13 годин тому


  • @rosepeony5119
    @rosepeony5119 13 годин тому

    洋老公中文不错,女主人时常蹦英文,怕谁人不懂。 那扇门有点意思,其他的一般

  • @momokk296
    @momokk296 16 годин тому

    她的家真的很不好看… 乱搭。

    • @user-cz7ly2np6v
      @user-cz7ly2np6v 13 годин тому


    • @HP-ii7lc
      @HP-ii7lc 4 години тому


  • @felixthecat6284
    @felixthecat6284 18 годин тому


  • @kinw5548
    @kinw5548 19 годин тому

    Most dumb students also from rich family too.. go to university doesn't mean one is intelligent.

  • @shudituyi5038
    @shudituyi5038 20 годин тому


  • @ipdavid1043
    @ipdavid1043 21 годину тому


  • @user-np8uo5di8b
    @user-np8uo5di8b День тому


  • @SIMON-cc1bt
    @SIMON-cc1bt День тому


  • @blessedcheflim8579
    @blessedcheflim8579 День тому

    They know wats called Good Life❤

  • @WMC977
    @WMC977 День тому


  • @zhideshi2300
    @zhideshi2300 День тому


  • @johnwong8021
    @johnwong8021 День тому


  • @johnwong8021
    @johnwong8021 День тому


  • @johnwong8021
    @johnwong8021 День тому


  • @nothingelse606
    @nothingelse606 День тому


  • @Funkyberryjam
    @Funkyberryjam День тому


  • @wymantung740
    @wymantung740 2 дні тому

    司機 醫生是肯定被取代 😅他的分析參考價值很低

  • @keichengwong8178
    @keichengwong8178 2 дні тому


  • @user-ch2zk6wq3t
    @user-ch2zk6wq3t 2 дні тому


  • @TaoHe85
    @TaoHe85 2 дні тому

    Name of the place?

  • @massimilianohu
    @massimilianohu 2 дні тому

    啥農民工啊,都是过去了,他现在是编辑啊。 真农民工我觉得估计干完活,身体太疲惫了,不会去读书。

  • @avaevans6643
    @avaevans6643 2 дні тому

    ❤love you

  • @yinkenli3475
    @yinkenli3475 3 дні тому


  • @firebaobao1
    @firebaobao1 3 дні тому

    抗壓力不足的自慰哲學 你在做的事就是內觀 內觀更是本質的哲學 人不分出身 人人可領悟 得自真理

  • @kongwahchan9884
    @kongwahchan9884 3 дні тому


  • @user-ti5lm7gx3w
    @user-ti5lm7gx3w 3 дні тому


  • @powailai9886
    @powailai9886 3 дні тому


  • @xingxiaoxiao2634
    @xingxiaoxiao2634 3 дні тому


  • @josephguo3429
    @josephguo3429 3 дні тому


  • @cyc120011196
    @cyc120011196 3 дні тому


  • @liboyu9771
    @liboyu9771 3 дні тому


  • @Brenda.Winnie
    @Brenda.Winnie 3 дні тому


  • @ciaociao9334
    @ciaociao9334 3 дні тому

    0:20 who care要加s , who cares

  • @jennyshan5018
    @jennyshan5018 3 дні тому


  • @catmiumiu5208
    @catmiumiu5208 4 дні тому


  • @catmiumiu5208
    @catmiumiu5208 4 дні тому


  • @ngahuynh3579
    @ngahuynh3579 4 дні тому

    Tôi là người Việt nam như rất thích xem phim Hoàng Xuân diễn rất tận tâm một diễn viên giỏi

  • @carriefu458
    @carriefu458 4 дні тому

    Wow... I wish my life is filled with poetry, too!!! 🥰😍🤩😘😆